Friday 18 June 2021

Is Sanskrit everyone’s language?

 ‘Generally,questions on Sanskrit are asked exactly the opposite way of how it should have been asked !’ says an eminent Sanskrit lover Krishnamoorty .V.S ! According to him,this question should have been something like,’Is not Sanskrit no one’s language?’.

Now,why is he saying so ?What are his reasons?

  1. MYTH About origin of Sanskrit !

For any language to ORIGINATE,there must be a NATIVE SPEAKER COMMUNITY.The Indo-European family of languages have 449 member languages.Among these,Sanskrit is the ONLY language which has NO NATIVE SPEAKER community.Linguists raise the question,’How did Sanskrit originate without a native speaker community?’ As no satisfactory answer for this question is available,they conclude that Sanskrit is a made-up or constructed code and not a natural language.Sanskrrit has been made up by people whose mother-tongue is a non-Sanskrit language,like,say Tamil.

2.MYTH Sanskrit as a mother-tongue!

Hindu scriptures and traditions prohibited women from chanting Sanskrit( words or verses.

(vide 'Women are not allowed to study or chant the Vedas.' - the lowdown Women are not allowed to study or chant the Vedas. Orthodoxy still does not permit girls to receive Vedic initiation )

The Hindus

So,mothers being naturally women, were prohibited from chanting Sanskrit.Hence ,Sanskrit could not become a mother-tongue for the children.

Linguists point out that this is the main reason for the lack of a native speaker community for Sanskrit.

(Alvaro Hans's answer to What are the biggest linguistic myths in India? )

However,we cannot set aside the fact that according to Census 2001 figures,Sanskrit has been declared as mother-tongue by 14,000+ people in Mathur,Karnataka.

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